Whether you drink the tea or use the essential oil, Chamomile is a very useful healing herb. It is a digestive tonic and a soporific (there’s a word for you – it means sleep-inducing).
My favorite Chamomile Tea (mainly because it’s Zhena’s GYPSY tea):
Herbal Tea Uses:
- aids in digestion (neutralizes excess stomach acid)
- relieves headaches (especially those with nausea)
- aids in relieving insomnia
For Babies and Mommies:
- safe to use with children over one year of age
- steep a tea bag and let it cool. Pour half of the tea into a cup and fill it the rest of the way with juice or water.
This will help your little one’s tummy aches, it will soothe teething pain, and help them rest.
- safe to use when you are pregnant
- it will relieve nausea, and provides valuable calcium phosphates to help you and your baby grow healthy bones.
Essential oil uses:
*NOTE* the oil is MUCH stronger than the tea. It takes 25 tea bags to equal 1 drop of essential oil.
- aids in relieving insomnia – I like to put a drop or two on the bottom of my feet, massage in, and then slip on socks. Very cozy.
- great in a bath to relieve stress
- anti-inflammatory and a sedative
- mild anti-depressant
- relieves the itching of insect bites
Remember to use a carrier oil, such as jojoba, sunflower, or olive (use 1-2 drops per Tablespoon of oil).
If you have any questions, feel free to email me (it’s in the contact me section). Have a lovely day!