with anyone else but me…..
Hope you all had a nice weekend! We had a REAL Fall weekend. It was cold, we had a fire in the fireplace, we went to the Apple Festival, and the leaves are just starting to change.
At the apple festival we bought an entire bushel of apples…
so I will be busy making applesauce and apple-pie filling AND my in-laws are visiting and my MIL has agreed to share her yummy apple biscuit recipe with us! So don’t be surprised if a lot of posts this week are centered around fall foods – we are in the mood!
Since I’m feeling fallish (?) I wanted to just share a few tidbits about cinnamon. It’s a popular spice this time of year – ever wondered why? It is categorized as a warming spice. It literally can warm you from the inside out! Here are some of the benefits of sprinkling this spice in your food…or tea…or coffee.
- Brain tonic – boosts the activity of the brain (hello- who doesn’t need that?) and removes nervous tension and memory loss
- Blood purifier – can remove impurities within the blood
- Increases Blood circulation – one of the ways it helps you stay warm from the inside out. Increased blood circulation can also reduce the risk of heart attack
- Anti-inflammatory – it can help remove stiffness in the muscles and joints (another cold-weather ailment)
- Blood Sugar Control – there have been many studies on the benefits of cinnamon for people suffering from diabetes.
- Removes bad breath
- Digestive aid (can help with morning sickness, my prego mommy friends)
- Cold/Flu healing – because of the anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties it is a GREAT Tea to sip when you are sick.
- My favorite cinnamon tea is: Good Earth Organic Sweet and Spicy Herbal Tea (caffeine free)
- Provides relief from menstrual cramps
WOW! I did not know all of that, did you?! I also found it humorous that it was listed as both an “aid in birth control” and an “aphrodisiac”……hmmmmm….. not sure I would trust it as birth control 😉 Anyway, it is a great addition to many recipes or simply to sip as a tea.
*I will caution against use of the essential oil – it can be very toxic and should only be used under the supervision of someone who is familiar with it’s contraindications*
Hope that information was helpful, or at the very least interesting.
Have a happy fall day!